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The City Council starts the home delivery of 5,000 packages with protection material (18/04/2020)

| The kits include two masks, two pairs of gloves and a hydro-alcoholic gel, as well as two lollipops for the little ones | Santomera City Council has started this morning the home delivery of protection packages for families in the municipality.

The kits, made with the strictest hygiene measures by a small group of volunteers, consist of two masks, two pairs of nitrile gloves and a hydroalcoholic gel.

Inside the hermetic bag there are also two lollipops, for the little ones in the house, and a letter signed by the mayor, Inma Sánchez Roca, in which she encourages the population to be strong and keep their spirits up in these hard times.

. The mayor, along with the rest of her government team, has been in charge of going door to door to deliver the first thousand packages.

Even with the usual difficulties in supplying medical supplies these days, the City Council hopes to exceed 3,500 lots by the middle of next week and hopes to reach 5,000 by the end of the same week or the beginning of the next.

According to his calculations, that amount will be enough for all the family nuclei of the municipality to receive their protection package. The acquisition of gloves, masks and lollipops has been made directly by the Santomera City Council, while the hydroalcoholic gels have been donated by Hefame, the Pharmaceutical Brotherhood of the Mediterranean.

The distribution of the material has also been used to disseminate the implementation of the Municipal Office of Information and Attention on Coronavirus, with which you can contact via email covid@ay Ayuntamientodesantomera.com. Likewise, Inma Sánchez has wanted to appeal to the tranquility of her neighbors.

"We are doing the delivery by hand and house by house so that no one is left out.

But, as a consequence, and also due to the limitations in the supply, the process will be slow and will last at least ten days.

Please be patient, because we will arrive to all areas of Santomera, El Siscar, La Matanza and our part of La Orilla del Azarbe ".

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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