Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


A tourist goes off the road and falls into a ditch, in Santomera (23/07/2020)

| Rescued and transferred to the hospital the driver of a tourism that has gone off the road and fallen into a ditch, in Santomera | The driver of a tourist (male, 24 years old) has been rescued and taken to the hospital after leaving the road and falling down an embankment to a ditch, on the RM-303 road (Alquerías-Santomera), in the municipal area of ??Santomera .Elo 1-1-2 received calls reporting the accident at 9:09 a.m.

Patrols of the Local Police, Civil Guard, firefighters from the Consortium of Fire Extinguishment and Rescue of the Region of Murcia and an ambulance with health personnel from the Emergency Management and Health Emergencies 061 mobilized to the site.After being rescued, the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle was stabilized by the emergency health services and transferred to the "Reina Sofía" hospital in Murcia with injuries that, apparently, were not serious.Image provided by CEIS

Source: 112RM

UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000 - ER-0131/2006 Región de Murcia
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