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Education drives in Santomera pioneer a new intergenerational project based on the support of elderly in the classroom (14/05/2016)

Adding a model of intergenerational school in Primary Education 'will take place in the CEIP Ramón Gaya Santomera |

The project will support the education of older people in the classroom, in coordination with teachers

The Ministry of Education and Universities collaborates with the University of Murcia in a new educational program that will be launched in the CEIP Ramón Gaya Santomera next year 2016/2017.

The pilot project, called 'Improving our education system.

Adding a model of intergenerational school in primary education ', is to adopt a system of education that takes place in the United States, where one of the prerequisites is the presence of elderly in the classroom and educational support.

These people never act as teachers, but as mentors or tutors, and they always do agree with teachers, as ultimately responsible for guiding student learning.

The Director General of Educational Innovation and Attention to Diversity, Ana Millán, participated in the initial meeting of this project that "will be established as a pioneering program in the region and will have the support of people over Santomera".

He also noted that "once this experimental project develops, it may encourage other schools in the region."

The first ceremony was also attended by creators and forerunners of the project 'The Intergenerational Schools' (TIS) in Cleveland, United States, Peter J. Whitehouse and Catherine Whitehouse and Mariano Sanchez, professor at the University of Granada, where this initiative also will be held the next school year.

The Director General of Educational Innovation and Attention to Diversity, Ana Millán, explained that "these projects provide many advantages to all members of the educational community, but especially highlights the creation of an environment of maximum security and emotionally positive, and provide children with a safe and respectful relational environment. "

The day served to present this project for Innovation and Development all members participating in it, the educational community of CEIP Ramón Gaya Santomera and seniors center Santomera participating.

Thus, greater Santomera center, coordinated by teachers of the school, will collaborate in support tasks in reading comprehension and logical-mathematical.

Classroom organization will bring together children of different ages, which will enable older students help other lower age, to encourage cooperative learning.

Millan recalled that "the objective of the Ministry is inclusive education in all aspects, so this project follows the line of the incorporation of Quality and Innovation projects like this."

Source: CARM

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