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The Santomera City Council joins the International Women's Stop (07/03/2017)

The staff of Santomera City Council is scheduled to join the International Women's Paramo tomorrow, promoted by the Argentinean group 'Ni Una Menos', coinciding with International Women's Day.

To this end, at 11:30 a concentration will be held in the square Borreguero-Artés, in front of the Town Hall, to which both workers and municipal workers are invited to join, as well as citizens who also want to During which it will read a manifesto of adhesion to the global mobilization that denounces the gender inequalities, with special attention to the macho violence and the salary gap.

This is not the only activity organized by the Department of Equality to commemorate the 8th of March.

These include the traditional food of women, held last Saturday with the attendance of seventy diners;

The screening of the film Sufragistas (also tomorrow at 11:30 am, in the Hall of Municipal Acts);

The concert of the swing band Zoot Suiters, completed with a dance workshop (tomorrow, from 7 pm, in the Town Hall Square);

The screening of the documentary 'Care, Slip', about the work of care (Thursday, at 18:30, in the Hall of Acts);

Or the performance of the play 'Des una casa de la Doble' (Double K Theater) on Sunday 12 at 7 pm at the El Siscar Theater with free admission.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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