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City Council and Red Cross will collaborate to improve the employability of 133 people (21/03/2017)

The Red Cross, in collaboration with the Council of Social Rights of Santomera City Council, has launched the Active Social Inclusion Project (IDI), which for one year will contribute to improving the socio-labor insertion of people in situations of vulnerability.

The different actions planned are financed by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality and will be implemented by the Local Assembly of the NGO until 31 December.

The project consists of the development of personalized insertion itineraries that include measures of labor orientation, training in basic skills, transversal and technical-professional and labor intermediation.

It is planned that a maximum of 133 beneficiaries can be reached, giving priority to people in the locality who find it difficult to enter the labor market for reasons such as not having identified their potential, skills and abilities for employment;

Have poorly defined labor objectives;

To have a low professional qualification and to ignore the labor market;

Not being familiar with the processes, channels, mechanisms, strategies and tools for job search;

To hoard a poor trajectory or an intermittent trajectory with occasional contracts, to precarious instability or employment;

Or to gather work experience that is not well suited to the current demands of the labor market.

In the pursuit of equal opportunities, special attention will also be given to the female group.

The Department of Employment, through the technique of Ana Martínez Zapata, will have hours of contact and contact from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the facilities of the Local Red Cross Assembly in Santomera, located in The road of Alicante.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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