Portal de Santomera


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detail of Santomera


The Theatre Group of Friends will take the stage of Municipal Auditorium in order to raise 900 euros to the NGO Asomurgua (28/11/2008)

The Municipal Auditorium will be filled with solidarity on Saturday after 19 hours, thanks to the performance of the Theatre Group of Friends, responsible for representing the work "Calderón" of the Alvarez Quintero brothers, with the sole purpose of selling the 180 sites to 5 euros that will be available at the box office.

Again, the City Council will work with this group Santomera local theatergoers, with the transfer of the auditorium, sound and lighting, to carry the sitcom scene, with which hope to raise 900 euros to the NGO santomerana Asomurgua .

Santomera Mayor, José María Sánchez, encouraged that "santomeranos side must show solidarity to raise funds to contribute financially, with the excellent work Asomurgua developed with the Guatemalan people", in relation to the NGO activities flag annually.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Santomera

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