Portal de Santomera


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Santomera News - April 2018

detail of Santomera
  • The City Council invests 270,000 euros to cover the courtyards of public schools (27/04/2018)
    The #MiColeALaSombra initiative, whose results have been presented today, arose from participatory budgets
  • Arrested while driving drunk with his two minor children without restraint systems (17/04/2018)
    The driver fled cross-country when he detected the presence of a Local Police patrol
  • Works are underway to modernize the streets of Santa Matilde, Campoamor and Tirso de Molina (11/04/2018)
    The City Council allocates 116,559 euros to improve its pavement, accessibility and potable water and sanitation services
  • Improvements in the accessibility and services of three streets next to the school of Rosario (09/04/2018)
    City and Community invest 127,690 euros to renew the pavement and the pipes of the David Castejón, Anastasio Abellán and Tinajas

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