Portal de Santomera


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Santomera News - December 2008

detail of Santomera
  • The drawing of a check for $ 3,000 santomeranos honor those who put their trust in local businesses during the sales (31/12/2008)

  • Santomera was the first municipality in the Region of Murcia to welcome 2009 (31/12/2008)

  • Santomera's neighbors will hold up to twice the entry of the new year (30/12/2008)

  • The extension of the Third Age Center near the launch of the employment workshop 'The Lemonade mark the beginning of next year 2009 to Santomera (29/12/2008)

  • The santomeranos again show their best side during the celebration of 'Radio Solidarity II: SOS Nicaragua' (28/12/2008)

  • The santomeranos take to the streets and bars of the municipality to celebrate the 'Tour de Cañas Christmas I' (27/12/2008)

  • Local Santomera Corporation has decided to suspend the annual dinner with the municipal staff to set an example of austerity in times of economic crisis save 5,000 euros (26/12/2008)

  • A total of 147 families Santomera, La Matanza and Sisco will benefit during the holiday season of Christmas School (23/12/2008)
    supplied by the Department of Youth to reconcile work and family life
  • A total of 22 santomeranos will benefit from employment from January 7 through employment workshop "El Limón" (23/12/2008)
    bid for the City of Santomera by 480,000 euros from the Autonomous Community
  • A total of 700 extras among school children in nursery, primary, parents and teachers of the Public School Gaya participating in the third edition of 'Living Nativity' (22/12/2008)
    The crib has been congregating at 700 extras among school children in nursery, primary, parents and teachers from the school
  • French Bulldogs, English, German shepherds, poodles, and up to 45 different races I have disputed the Santomera Canine Competition held at the Multipurpose Hall during the weekend (21/12/2008)

  • 453,800 euros to expand the center's senior Santomera (19/12/2008)

  • Some 180 schoolchildren from schools in Santomera and Sisco, claimed the Christmas traditions (18/12/2008)
    at the First School Christmas Carols Contest
  • Santomera have three new underground containers (17/12/2008)
    ... by a grant of 60,000 euros granted to the Department of Sustainable Development for the Autonomous Community
  • All the folk tradition, history, fauna and social reality of the African continent to reach the "Africa: house of words" (17/12/2008)
    "This exhibition is a great opportunity for children of the town, meet a different view of Africa , away from stereotypes.
  • About 180 students of primary education will take the stage in the auditorium on the occasion of the First Christmas Carols School Contest (16/12/2008)

  • The Commonwealth of Social Services closed the Eastern District Social Skills Workshop with the participation of 15 students (16/12/2008)
    The workshop was closed with the participation of 15 students from Santomera Beniel, Fortuna and Abanilla
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Water starts with an investment of 231,574 euros, the first phase of the project for the disposal of stormwater from the south of Santomera (15/12/2008)
    The collector includes a diameter of 1.5 meters and a length of 650 meters
  • Schools Ricardo Campillo and Ramon Gaya was proclaimed champion and runner-up respectively of the "Days Multisport" held at the Municipal Sports Pavilion Santomera (15/12/2008)
    A total of 140 students of third and fourth primary education Santomera, La Matanza and Sisco, were the real stars of the first edition of the "Days Multisport"
  • The "Association of Korhogo Children" has raised about 16,000 euros thanks to the simultaneous holding of a dinner and charity raffle (14/12/2008)
    All proceeds will go to the creation of a high-school in Korhogo, which will benefit about 250 children and girls
  • Children's exposure "Africa: house of words" features the culture, fauna, rituals and folk traditions of Africa, fleeing the hackneyed stereotypes (13/12/2008)
    "This exhibition gives the children a different view of Africa, away from topics"
  • Santomera show this weekend its best face with a full agenda of proposals solidarity (12/12/2008)

  • Election secretary general and municipal executive committee of the local PSOE Santomera (12/12/2008)
    "This is a renewal of the Party, but without implying a break with our past"
  • Days MultiSport (12/12/2008)

  • Two aldermen of the City of Santomera represent the town today in a conference organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (11/12/2008)

  • New remote terminal units of the Command and Control Santomera 1-1-2 in (10/12/2008)
    Your location in the local police station will improve communication between emergency services
  • Councillor for Industry, Commerce and Enterprise, Maria Luisa Rubio, gives a twist to the everyday activities of the Centre for Local Development (09/12/2008)
    Local Development Agency has a new agent development, whereas Department releases the employment orientation services of a psychologist and management
  • ... (08/12/2008)

  • The autonomous region of 50,000 euros will subsidize the purchase of five new vehicles for Local Police (07/12/2008)

  • Santomera have three new underground containers for depositing organic matter and light packaging (06/12/2008)

  • 600 schoolchildren from schools in Santomera, La Matanza and Sisco participate in the "First Conference on Intercultural Coexistence" (05/12/2008)

  • Santomera returns to the Plaza del Ayuntamiento their revulsion at the barbarity perpetrated by ETA (04/12/2008)
    After a minute of silence santomerano mayor, José María Sánchez, has condemned this new murder perpetrated by the terrorist
  • The municipality of Santomera double the fleet strength of the Local Police (04/12/2008)
    by € 50,000 from the Autonomous Community
  • Casa Grande to host exhibitions, organized by the Department of Education and Culture to mark the holidays (03/12/2008)
    "We will use this time to promote the artistic among the smallest addition to promoting the work of local artists"
  • La Acequia del Zaraiche have a new steel that will run from West Street to the Trail Siscar Pines (02/12/2008)
    "6,000 euros will be invested in this small but important actions that will result in improved safety for all pedestrians crossing the Acequia del Zaraiche daily "
  • The Volunteers Platform Murcia Santomera presented in the "Caravan Project Peace is Possible" (01/12/2008)
    With more than two thousand miles behind them, members of the Platform of volunteers in the region, visited the Plaza Hall of Santomera
  • About 120 students of the IES Poeta Julian Andugar attend a workshop on Affective Education - Sexual HIV prevention (01/12/2008)
    In this workshop involved 120 students of secondary education third IES

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